Attentive Eye
Gaze-Based Serious Gaming with Attentive Eye - ADD/ADHD
[Usability Engineering & Ubiquitous Computing tracks]
Project Members: Anfal Alomar, Khawlah Alhadlaq, Manal Alrubayain, Najla Alzakari, Ohood Alhamid
Project Supervisor: Dr. Areej Al-Wabil
Project Duration: Jan 2012-Jan 2013
Abstract: In this project, we developed a multimodal rehabilitation application designed to help individuals with attention deficit disorders improve their concentration, attention and memory. The system is designed to be controlled using eye gaze as a main input method along with other input devices such as the keyboard and the mouse to vary the complexity of controlling objects within the games.
Interactive Therapy of Attention Deficit Disorders with Gaze-Based Games: In proceedings of APCHI - The 10th Asia Pacific Conference in Computer Human Interaction in Matsue, Japan [August 2012].
*Rehabilitation of ADHD with Gaze-Base Serious Gaming: *2nd Place Award in the 4th annual KSU Scientific Student Symposium, [April 2013]
Anfal Alomar, Khawlah Alhadlaq, Manal Alrubayain, Najla Alzakari, Ohood Alhamid (for publication May 2013) Design and Development of Attentive Eye's Serious Gaming Suite, Undergraduate Research Conference for Applied Computing, Dubai [May 2013]