Touch to Speak
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) for Individuals with Speech and Language Impairments
أنظمة التواصل البديل و التخاطب باللمس لاضطراب طيف التوحد و مرضى الجلطات الدماغية /الأفيزيا
Overview: iOS applications designed for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) for children with autism spectrum disorders and stroke patients with aphasia; AAC designed specifically for speech and language impairments in Arabic populations (local dialect). A User-Centered Design methodology was followed to ensure a usable AAC product that responds to the needs of these two target populations.
Project Team: Arwa Alrubaian, Ghada Alofisan, Amani Musrea, Bayan Alarifi, Nora Alromi
Supervisor: Dr. Areej Al-Wabil
Awards and Publications:
Best poster presentation award in the 4th Undergraduate Research Conference for Applied Computing (URC 2012) in Dubai, April 2012
Won 2nd place in the Project Fair in CCIS, May 2012
Won 3rd place in the AEC best graduation project competition in KSU, June 2012
Presented in the Young Researchers Consortium of ICCHP in Linz, Austria, July 2012
Poster Abstract - Accepted for presentation in ACM's 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (APCHI) in Japan. August 2012
Paper titled "Towards an Arabic Language Augmentative and Alternative Communication Application for Autism", Accepted for Presentation in the 14th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, July 2013 in the USA (Springer CCIS)..
Affiliated Researchers:
Shirin Abdulmonem, Speech Pathologist (PFMAC Autism Center in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Dr. Fahmi Al-Senani, Stroke Neurologist, King Fahad Medical City (KFMC)