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تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Frisk: Gmail sidebar Gadget

The Design and Development of Frisk: Gmail Sidebar Gadget
Abstract: Going through numerous emails to acquire certain information can be a tedious task. Moreover, there is an obvious lack of Arabic support in current web applications. These problems have motivated us to develop Frisk; a system that contains a Gmail gadget and an information extraction service. The purpose of the system is to extract events and contacts from Arabic emails and suggest adding them to the user's Google Calendar or Google Contacts.
The extraction service is composed of three components. The first component is the pre-processor that receives the email body as text to prepare it for annotation. The second component is responsible for adding annotations, this will be done through the use of the GATE framework (General Architecture for Text Engineering) supplemented by adding our logic to it to make the process tailored to our needs. Finally, the third component is the post-processor that combines the annotations to create events/contacts using algorithms written by us. After that, it arranges the results in a format understood by the gadget. At the end, the gadget will be communicating with this service to retrieve the results and display them to the user as a list of events and contacts.

Join us on Monday 4th of Feb to learn about “Frisk”; a system which extracts possible Arabic events and contacts from the user’s Gmail inbox then suggests adding them to the Google Calendar and Contacts. With our proposed system, losing track of your important contacts and events is an issue that can easily be resolved.
Rania AlJindan, Sara AlWaalan, AlJohara AlFayez; Software Engineering Dept, CCIS, KSU
Sara Oulddaddah, Hanadi Wali; Graduates of the Information Technology Dept, CCIS, KSU
Date: Feb 4, 2013
Time: 12:00-1:00pm
Location: Research Center Auditorium, Building 2, Malaz Campus

تاريخ آخر تحديث : يناير 12, 2023 4:14ص